3 Steps For Writing An Effective Conclusion In Your Assignment


You finally did it! You got through the worst of it, you veteran! Congratulations on almost completing your assignment. But I must warn you, no matter how hard you worked, it might all go to waste if you don’t conclude properly. Conclusions are the big finale in every kind of work, whether it is a regular class essay or a dissertation.  But don’t worry; I’m here to help with that. This is a great assignment writing service that I’m doing for you. You’re welcome.

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3 Steps For Writing An Effective Conclusion In Your Assignment

Make a list!
Started at the top, now we’re here
I would like to propose…
About the author

Make a list!

I can almost hear those of you who love doing nerdy, organizational stuff squealing in delight. We get to make a list! At first, making a list might sound like a lot of work or a waste of time, but trust me; it’ll save both your time and energy. Skim the assignment and note down anything and everything that you feel you need to address in the conclusion. Make sure to include everything that has yet to be concluded, anything with results that are yet to come. The conclusion begins with addressing the topic as a whole, talking generally about everything and then narrows down to what your main point has to be.

Now, because we’ve practically made this nursing assignment help UK, let’s get more specific when it comes to lists. Try to mostly include “W” questions in it. Asking yourself ‘whats’ and ‘whys’ about your own assignment will automatically answer most of your questions and help you understand it better.

  • Make a list of basic “wh” questions to quiz yourself on your own assignment; it will help you write the conclusion in a better and more comprehendible manner whilst also addressing some pressing issues.
  • Glance through the assignment for anything which you feel the reader might not understand that easily. You need to make sure you’ve cleared all of it up before ending your assignment.

Started at the top, now we’re here

So, as stupid as this might sound, you have to restate what you started out with in your conclusion. It might feel as if you’re just restating your thesis using a bunch of fancy words and phrases to sound all intellectual because you need to squeeze another paragraph out of this paper, and I will not lie, that is pretty much what you’re doing…but that’s not entirely it. You can’t say the exact same thing you did in the beginning, considering it’s a conclusion. It needs to have the following things in it

  • Reference to examples mentioned in the rest of the assignment. It will definitely help you wrap things up in a way that makes sense to the reader.
  • Correlate your main points and show how all of them can be connected to form a reasonable argument.
  • Give closure. Answer unanswered questions and conclude all theories. Don’t leave anything for someone else to assume.

Think of it as a puzzle. All the pieces need to fit together in the end, only then will both you and the reader be able to see the full picture and be satisfied of the results. If the argument is messy and unfinished, it will be very frustrating for the reader to try to make sense of everything on their own. This will give them closure after investing themselves in everything you’ve written so far. Conclusions are meant to conclude, which means that any unanswered questions or open-ended discussions have to be dealt with and addressed. Only then will you be able to make your work seem whole and you won’t have that nagging feeling that despite all of your effort, something is still missing.

I would like to propose…

…a course of action! You need to plan out a way through which you can make your conclusion effective as can be.

  • Synthesize

As mentioned before, you need to make all the different thoughts and topics into a single composition. Blend them together to create something that astonishes the reader due to how smoothly you brought together so many scattered thoughts.

  • Link everything together

Nothing should seem odd or out of place. Make sure that everything is linked with one another so no such questions whose answers cannot be found in your work may arise in the mind of the reader. Remember, curiosity and confusion are two very different things, and you want to entice the former in your audience.

  • Make it at least sound reasonable

Give logic and reasoning for everything you say, even if it might seem kind of obvious. You need to at least explain the gist of all the main things talked about in the paper, address each and every thing because all of it needs attention. If you’re unable to write about something, it means it’s excessive and shouldn’t be in your assignment in the first place.

  • Invite people to think for themselves

This is the curiosity thing I mentioned. Your writing should fascinate your reader to a point where they want to learn more about it. Thought-provoking work is the best when it comes to winning the heart of its audience, so try to make it something people would want to ponder over and do research on.

  • Call to action!

Recommendations will be based on your hypothesis and what you think is the most important matter to address. This is a great way to prompt a response from your readers, and will help make the context of your work and research much more clearly.


Jacob Miller is an Academic Consultant and a graduate from the University of Birmingham. His favorite hobbies are grooming his pets and writing bold and informative book reviews on his blog, which have been getting progressively growing attention in the last few years.

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